Q: How long will it take for me to record ___ # of songs?

A: Wonderful question, and we get this a lot. Here’s the rub, it’s gonna take as long as it takes for your project to get done. YOU have more control over this than we do. If you’re a solo singer-songwriter with no additional instrumentation, and you want to cut both the vocal and the instrument together then this process goes really quickly, and you could logistically bang out a record in a day, barring mixing. However if you’re a band that has lots of instrumentation, overdubs etc planned then the process will be much slower. I find that if the band is well rehearsed we can cut three to four basic tracks in a day. That’s with minimal overdubs, just covering the basic arrangements for the tunes. There are exceptions to everything here, so take this with a grain of salt.

If you’re trying to make The White Album or OK Computer in three days, you’re likely not going to get it done. Most full lengths take up to 2 weeks of tracking and mixing to be done. I’ve made records in 4 days, and other that take months or years to see the light of day. It all depends on where your goals meet your skill level and budget.

Q: Can I book by the hour?

A: Yes, BUT we really prefer to work with full or half day rates. Typically, people only think they need a few hours to do their job, but often forget that we still have to do ours. Remember that your time, and our setup starts at the same time. So, if you want to record drums from 10am-12pm, a two hour window, you’d be sadly mistaken about the time required to complete that job. It’s even harder to book around that, because your proposed 2 hour session just turned into a 5 hour session, and we’ve just blown the rest of the day. It’s often not worth the effort on our part.

If you do book by the hour please know that you are “bumpable” to another time that doesn’t have a full day booked yet, this is not negotiable.

Q: I can only record on weekends, because I have another job. (it’s not a question, I know, but it’s a common statement.)

A: You and everyone else my friend. Weekends go fast, and are often booked months in advance, so you must be patient or book during our work days (every day).

Q: Can I bring my cute puppy/cat/iguana.

A: We love our pets, but they’re not allowed in the studio. Who knows if our next client is going to have a horrible dog/cat/iguana allergy and have to cancel their entire record with us because of an overzealous pet lover.

Q: Can I smoke in the building.

A: NOPE. You can, however smoke outside on our beautiful property or on the back patio. It’s kind of like the previous question…

I could do this all day, but if you have more questions please feel free to email us and check on your specific question. I’m sure we have an answer.